After qualifying as a social worker, and subsequently registering with Social Work England, your first job in the sector will be as a Newly Qualified Social Worker (NQSW). In most workplaces, you will undertake the Assessed and Supported Year In Employment (ASYE). The ASYE protects your caseload and allows you to further your professional development through learning and supervision, whilst providing you a wealth experience and greater independence than you'd previously had on social work placements, As an NQSW, you can also begin to explore the area(s) of social work that you'd like to specialise in.
The ASYE allows newly qualified social workers to build confidence and further develop their knowledge and skills. Social workers completing an ASYE receive extra support, and are assessed against the Knowledge and Skills Statement (KSS) and the Professional Capabilities Framework (PCF).
At the beginning of your ASYE you will agree on a training and development plan, and your employer will supervise and support you as you progress.
“There is a lot of support, you just need to make sure you ask for it, and make people aware. The ASYE has been a really good experience so far.”
Maud Morrish, Children’s Safeguarding Team, East Riding

“Being a social worker these days, is very much a professional role and the path into becoming qualified is very thorough and more practice focussed…the Assessed and Supported Year in Employment (ASYE) and all the support give people a really good foundation for their social work career - much better than when I was starting out.”
Lisa Chamberlain, Senior Children’s Social Worker, Kirklees
Frequently asked questions about the ASYE
Completing an ASYE is not compulsory, but it is advisable. It gives you an opportunity to develop as a social worker in a supported environment. Successfully finishing an ASYE can help to show employers that you are able to apply your theoretical learning in a real frontline environment.
Who is eligible for the ASYE?
Any newly qualified social worker (NQSW) can complete an ASYE. Ideally you should undertake the ASYE within two years of graduating. If it has been longer than two years since you graduated, your employer can over-rule this if they are satisfied that your skills and knowledge are up to date.
How will I be supported during my ASYE?
Throughout the programme your assessor will be on hand to provide support. You will have time to reflect critically on your practice, and your assessor will directly observe your work in the field so that they can offer constructive feedback. Of course, you can also speak to your team manager or other colleagues if you need support or advice!
How often will I be assessed?
You will have scheduled reviews at points throughout the programme (typically every three months). Between these, you will be responsible for arranging any other meetings or reviews with your assessor and manager. Keeping your portfolio updated throughout the ASYE will help you to prepare for reviews.
What are ASYE assessments like?
Your assessor will complete a holistic assessment of your work, based on the KSS and PCF. You will be required to create a written piece of critical reflection, often in the format of a critical reflection log, to demonstrate what you have learned by reflecting on your practice over the course of the ASYE. Other assessments can vary depending on your employer, but will often include feedback from other professionals and service users, and an assessment of your record and report writing skills.
What happens if I fail my ASYE?
The programme is designed to allow plenty of time for feedback and reflection, so any areas of concern can be spotted as early as possible. Your assessor will make you aware of any issues and advise on the action you can take. If you were to fail your ASYE, your individual performance and circumstances would be considered by your employer before they decide on next steps.