As an OurCSWM member, you can access live, interactive webinars to learn about the latest research, discuss innovative ideas for practice and hear from people with lived experience of social care. Recordings and slides from our past webinars are available on the directory[LINK TO SEARCH TERM OR RESOURCE CATEGORY]
You can view upcoming webinars and book a place in the Events section. [LINK]
The Festival of Social Work
Every 18 months or so, practitioners from across our region come together to share good practice, network with colleagues and hear from a range of inspiring speakers and social work thought leaders. Everyone who attends the Festival of Social Work is able to attend two workshops in person along with the keynote presentations. The conference focuses on a theme each year. Past themes have included:
The Power of Relationships
Missing Voices
Managing Uncertainty
Understanding and Preventing Future Child Sexual Abuse
[Add links to associated conference content to each past event ]
Stakeholder Events
In order to ‘distribute leadership’ of CSWM across the region, further collaboration, and be a source of workforce learning and development CSWM facilitates a number of topic-specific workshops.
Each workshop features presentations highlighting good practice from across Yorkshire & the Humber, and the content will be made available on OurCSWM.
You can view summaries and materials from past events on the resource directory.
Topics covered by past events include:
How the pandemic and racism have affected ethnic minority young people
Transitional Safeguarding
Domestic Abuse and Child Protection
Contextual Safeguarding
Poverty and Neglect
Achieving best outcomes in permanence
Building workforce resilience