An exciting opportunity has arisen for a Senior Social worker post within the Emotional Wellbeing Team specifically for 16 -25-year-old care experienced young people. This is a full-time post 37 hours per week on a permeant basis.
In Wakefield we have identified that care experienced young people with emotional well-being needs are at times ‘lost’ in the transition between children and adult health services. They may also not meet the criteria for Adult Mental Health provision. The pilot between the Emotional Well Being Team and Next Steps Team identified both from a professional’s perspective and from young people as well that when they reach adulthood they still have unresolved emotional issues that require further intervention.
Following discussions between Children’s Service and Health colleagues this innovative post has been created to provide an Emotional Well Being Social Worker in Wakefield specific to 16 – 25-year-old care experienced young people so we can respond to the findings from the pilot and the findings from a multi-agency working with young people in transition.
This post will be located within and offer an extension to the Emotional Well Being Team offer of therapeutic and trauma informed support to children and young people currently aged between 0-18 who are in the care of Wakefield Local Authority and their caregivers. Our offer is to provide therapeutic and trauma informed support to children and young people who are experiencing social, behavioural, mental and emotional wellbeing difficulties which are having an impact on their ability to function in everyday life and placement stability. We work directly with children and young people, and/or their caregivers to assess their therapeutic needs and provide interventions to assist with building resilience and recovery from everyday stresses, traumatic experiences and attachment-based difficulties.
This innovation team are the single point of access for any Wakefield children in care or caregivers who are experiencing emotional or mental wellbeing/health difficulties and work within a Joint Agency Pathway with the Enhanced Outreach Team based within Wakefield Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS).
The role will require the following responsibilities:
Triage of new referrals
Assessments of therapeutic need and formulating intervention plans
Direct work with young people.
Direct work with caregivers and the professional Team Around the young person.
Consultation to professionals including social workers, Personal Advisors and School/College staff.
Placement Stability Intervention to ensure support at the earliest opportunity to avoid placement/home moves.
Devising and delivering a range of trauma informed and therapeutic training programmes.
Joint working with partner agencies to develop a pathway for young people who require transition and support to adult based services.
This role will involve working closely and as part of a Team Around the Child approach with colleagues from Next Steps Team, Enhanced Outreach Reach Team (CAMHS), and adult services.
You will be an experienced social worker who is highly motivated, reflective and demonstrates professional curiosity. You will have the knowledge, skills and experience of working therapeutically and creatively with young people presenting with trauma and attachment difficulties. You will be proactive, empathetic and passionate about trauma informed awareness and striving to achieve positive healthy outcomes for children and young people in care. Ideally you will have experience in working with children in care and/or child protection arena. However, accreditation or training in specific therapeutic interventions is not an essential requirement for this post.
You must be registered as a social worker with Social Work England.
This role will require you to be an essential car user with a full driving license.
For an informal discussion please contact Michaela Raj, Team Manager on 01924 302195 / 07786274642