Youth Justice Advanced Practitioner
£42,503 - £45,495
50012929 - 517877
21st Apr, 2023
Job description

Can you lead others and inspire them to work with the most complex children and families?


Barnsley Youth Justice Service is seeking a highly performing professional to join our team and support innovative and reflective approaches to:

·       Reducing reoffending

·       Diverting children from the criminal justice system and from exploitation

·       Protecting the public

·       Making Barnsley a safe place to live


We are a small team that seeks excellence in practice from each other as we share a collective belief that change can be achieved if professionals work with children and their families, victims, and the wider community for shared outcomes.   Our service puts the Child First; places victims at the centre of practice and recognises the impact of discrimination on children, families, and wider communities.  You will be able to evidence in your practice a shared commitment to these principles.


This role has a broad portfolio of responsibility and will require you to work closely with partners to address the impact of contextual risk issues, including the impact of exploitation, harmful behaviours and abuse on victims and wider communities.


 We are seeking applications from candidates who:


Ø  thrive in highly pressured and challenging environments

Ø  have significant experience of leading in the co-ordination of a partnership approach to the management of complex risk

Ø   have a considerable knowledge of the criminal justice system and of how to safeguard others from harm

Ø  Can evidence the skill to effectively manage and inspire high quality practice in others


This position provides the opportunity to work within a multiagency team with a direct responsibility to manage complex risk. You will have the ability to lead others, have a passion and commitment work with and lead on cases of complex risk and vulnerability and understand and manage and mitigate  the risk between the two disciplines.  Your practice will be of a very high standard, and you will role model this work to others. You will have responsibility to supervise, motivate and appropriately challenge others were needed in this fast paced dynamic environment.


If you have the required ability and enthusiasm to successfully undertake this role, we would be keen to hear from you.


NB: This full-time role is initially for a fixed-term period of 2 years.


Should you wish to clarify any information relating to this position, please contact Operational Manager Holly Davis  via telephone on 07809100158 or email at


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