Enhanced Senior Social Worker - MASH
£41,511.00 to £44,711.00, Grade 10. £45,718.00 to £48,710.00, Grade 11. (Career Grade 10 to 11)
6th Apr, 2025
Job description

We are seeking two Senior / Enhanced Social Worker's to join our superb Integrated Front Door (IFD). When you work with us, you'll literally be working with the best practitioners and leaders in the field.


We are an Ofsted GOOD children’s services provider with OUTSTANDING leadership.


About us


Our IFD in Wakefield is the Front Door for referrals into our Early Help Services and Children’s Social Care. We are a co-located service with partners from the Police, Health, Education, Domestic Abuse Services, CVE team, Probation and Housing.


Our social work practice with children and families is so important. It can be both incredibly challenging and hugely rewarding. The responsibility or working with families where the decision you make and the power of your influence can shape and change lives, can be difficult. You will have access excellent management to support you in your role.


How we will support you


We will support you in your practice and decision making so you never feel alone. Our culture of high support, high challenge provided our workforce with relevant training and learning to undertake great practice and creates spaces for them to learn from others and receive appropriate challenge to help ensure that the decision they make are right one for children and families. The relationship you will build with families in the IFD will be central to the help we can offer and how they will experience and receive this.


What will be expected from me?


You will play a central role in achieving positive outcomes for children and young people in Wakefield District. You will be working with a small and well supported team led by engaging and supportive management team who are committed to making a difference to families within Wakefield.


What can I expect?


  • Excellent Salary grade range: G10/11 Senior / Enhanced Social Worker
  • This is a Full-time post of 37 hours per week with workplace based/flexible option available.
  • Excellent work life balance due to being non-case holding.



Essential requirements:


  • BA or MA in Social Work, Diploma in Social Work, or equivalent, recognised by the Central Council for Education & Training in Social Work.
  • Registered with Social Work England.
    Minimum of 3 years post qualifying experience in front line social work.
  • Experience of working with children and families as a qualified Social Worker.
  • An ability to build strong relationships with, colleagues and partner agencies.
  • An ability to write high quality reports and assessments and analyse information effectively.


For further information about any of the roles please contact


Integrated Front Door; Carl Renner – carlrenner@wakefield.gov.uk 

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