Why Rotherham, Why Now?
Now is the time to show your ambition and progress your career by joining Rotherham Council’s Children and Young People’s Service.

There are many benefits of working at Rotherham Council’s Children and Young People’s service
These include:
A dynamic and committed leadership team
A bespoke social work operating model – the “Rotherham Family Approach” encompasses strength- based approaches, restorative practice – a chance to lead/implement our Rotherham Family Approach.
An organisational culture where children are critical to our conversations and decision making – right child right care.
A senior leadership team who take time to know front-line staff, listen to their views and celebrate excellent work.
A strong integrated early help service with mature/established links to Locality social work teams.
Most teams are co located with key partners
Generous annual leave entitlement with work/life balance options.
Your own management buddy
Support to achieve your career ambitions
A highly comprehensive training offer, courses to support your personal development.
Practice learning days, opportunity to meet, discuss and showcase practice to senior leaders in the organisation.
Access to Research in Practice and new initiatives
Bi-monthly “Whole Service Event” with celebration and keynote speakers
A well-established in-house Learning Academy which is dedicated to providing creative learning solutions.

If you are considering relocating to Rotherham we provide a comprehensive relocation benefits package.
This covers reasonable costs (which can add up to several thousands of pounds/£) such as:
Removal expenses
Storage and insurance costs
Legal and estate agent fees plus search fees, valuation fees and mortgage indemnity insurance
Reasonable lodging and travelling expenses
Replacement domestic goods that cannot be moved
For more information about these benefits and jobs contact us at
To find out more about our Children’s Social Worker jobs visit
Children’s Social Work Jobs
For international candidates, registration with Social Work England is essential. Further information can be found on the SWE website.